Coconut Rum - Still Spirits til 1.125L, kokosnøtt, hvit rom

Coconut Rum - Still Spirits

til 1.125L, kokosnøtt, hvit rom

Varenr: 1650
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Søt og kokospreget likør med middels fylde.

Lukt: Aroma med tydelig preg av kokos og hint av vanilje og karamel.

Farge: Vannklar.


Top Shelf Liqueurs is a range of flavourings made to emulate the world’s most famous liqueurs. Each flavouring is beautifully presented in 50 ml (1.7 US fl oz) bottles and labelled individually to hint at the commercial liqueur style they emulate.

Coconut Rum Flavouring

Makes a coconut style white rum flavouring.

Mixing Instructions

Shake well and add contents and 620 ml (21 US fl oz) 40% ABV distilled spirit or vodka to Top Shelf Liqueur Base B (made up as per base instructions), eller tilsett sukker etter ønske. Top up to 1.125 L (38 US fl oz) with water