Star San er et skummende, hygienisk skyllemiddel for hjemmebryggere, bryggerier og næringsmiddelindustri.
Benyttes til desinfisering av bryggeutstyr og flasker.
Produsert i USA.
Blandingsforhold: 15-25ml per 10 liter vann
Kontakttid: minimum 1 minutt
*Trenger ikke etterskylling med vann.
*Kun 1 minutt kontakttid er nok
*Skummer og kommer til på vanskelige steder
*Utviklet for brygge-, og matindustrien
*Hindrer oppbygging av avleiringer
*Rask - Effektiv - Økonomisk
*Må ikke brukes på myke metaller eller CIP-rengjøring
OBS - må ikke blandes med klor, eller klorbaserte vaskemiddler, da klorgass vil oppstå!
Datablad - trykk her
A high foaming, final acid anionic rinse for use in the beverage and food industries.
- Leaves tanks and equipment spotless and avoids mineral build-up
- Not affected by organic soils
- Only 60 sec. contact time needed!
- Do not use on soft metals nor in CIP systems
- Dosage: 15 - 25 ml / 10 litres of water
- User manual in Norwegian & Swedish
Directions for use
Use as a final rinse. Prior to application; remove gross food particles nd soil by pre-flush or pre-scrape and, when necessary, pre-soak. Then thoroughly wash or flush objects with a good detergent, followed by potable water. Prepare a solution of 15 - 25 ml Star San HB™ per 10 L of water ( 1 oz/5 gal to 1 oz/3 gal). Apply on surface with a cloth, mop, sponge, spray or by immersion. Spray 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) from surface and rub with a brush, cloth or sponge (cover or remove all food products). The surface must remain wet for at least 1 minute. Rinse with water of the same temperature. Close the packaging tightly after use and store in a well-ventilated place. Always keep containers upright to prevent leakage. Keep out of reach of children.
DO NOT MIX STAR SAN HB™ with chlorinated cleaners as chlorine gas will result.